Links of interest
Palma Real Cubana
The Roystonea Regia is a very aesthetic palm tree that is highly valued for use as decoration for gardens or interiors. It is endemic to certain regions of South America and Florida. Its large wingspan, its characteristic trunk and its large leaves make it a striking palm tree that is very easy to care for, making it a highly valued palm tree.
Yucca carnerosana
The Yucca Carnerosana, also known as “Spanish Dagger”, is an endemic species of America, with a rosette shape and long sword-shaped leaves with a pointed tip, with a sharp spine. The yucca hardly blooms.
Height of our plant 1.6 m
Wodyetia Bifurcata
This palm is endemic to Australia. It is characterized by having a single trunk that can reach 10 meters in height, with the palms of the hands pinched, having a curved shape that gives it a distinctive character. A very aesthetic palm tree that can be planted both indoors and outdoors, bearing flowers and fruits. This palm tree is not only beautiful and aesthetic, but also very durable, which makes it a very good option to have at home.
Total measurement with pot and palm tree 1.9 - 2 m
Agave americana
This magnificent succulent also known as "Yellow Agave", is a very resistant plant to arid lands. Its green color and its rosette shape make it a very decorative plant to want to incorporate into our home or garden.
30 liter pot.
We have other sizes check availability
Kentia Fosteriana
This endemic palm of Howe Island, located in the Pacific Ocean, is a large and highly stylized palm that needs many hours of direct sunlight. Its scientific name is “Howea Fosteriana” but it is also given the common name of “Palma Paraiso”. Its leaves are a beautiful dark green, long and very divided. Perfect to have them both outdoors and indoors, although they are currently being used more indoors since if we plant it in a pot it does not usually reach a great height (2 meters high).
We have 2 measures
Pot 20 (1.4 m approximately) ... € 60.5
Pot 25 (1.8 - 1.9 m approximately) ... € 93.50
Agave Parrasana
Species native to northern and central Mexico. It forms a compact and symmetrical Rosette of short and broad bluish-gray leaves. It blooms in early summer with a kind of long spike from which clusters of purple and garnet flowers emerge.
30 - 40 liter tub.
We have other sizes check availability
This species known as Yellow Palm due to the greenish-yellow color of the palms, is endemic to Madagascar. It is a large species that we can have both indoors and outdoors in our home, used as an ornamental plant, very beautiful and resistant.
Total height with pot 1.7 - 1.8 meters approx.
Agave parryi
The Maguey Mezcal is a plant from North and Central America, it has a rosette shape and can reach 5 meters in height in its natural habitat where the leaves have thorns on their edges of reddish tones. Its flowering comes with the inflorescence and after this the succulent dies.
30 - 40 liter tub.
We have other sizes check availability
Trithrinax Campestris
This palm tree known as "Caranday" is endemic to South America, being a very characteristic palm tree due to its rustic appearance, being able to have a single trunk or several, having an average height of 6 meters high. Its leaves are also large. It is a magnificent palm tree that we can both inside and outside, a very good option to decorate large spaces or to have them in our garden and provide height.
Agave Macrantha
Plant belonging to the agavaceae family, native to Mexico, although it is found in much of the Mediterranean area. It is a plant with lanceolate, fleshy and strongly toothed leaves. It produces a single inflorescence that reaches up to - 4 m in height. It can grow to approximately 60 cm tall. It supports extreme temperature conditions - 4º C and is capable of growing on all types of surfaces, as long as they are well drained, even when the soil is stony or poor.
30 liter tub
Trachicarpus Wagnerianus
This spectacular palm tree is endemic to the Japanese Alps, very characteristic for both the leaves and the trunk, which gives it a rough and rustic appearance. It is perfect for extreme climates, as it withstands large changes in temperature very well.
Dracena Indivisa
Juicy endemic to New Zealand. Shrub and evergreen, it is distinguished by its erect trunk and rapid growth. Its leaves are green. Its flowering occurs when the plant reaches a certain age, giving white flowers.
Agave victoriae
This succulent native to northern Mexico, is a small and compact plant that can grow to 4 meters. Its rosette shape and rigid leaves highlight the natural color of the plant. It is perfect for decoration both indoors and outdoors, it blooms once in a lifetime and dies leaving behind a large quantity of seeds.
This succulent, endemic to America, is a shrubby species that has a short underground stem that leaves palm-like leaves on the surface. They can reach 3 meters in height.
Aloe vera
It is a succulent of the Asphodelaceae family, it is cultivated as a decorative plant or for medicinal uses, Cosmetics and as food. Its medicinal origins are very ancient from the Sumerians to the Egyptians. From Africa, it has a bushy shape, its branches are born erect without the need for ramifications.
Aloe Arborescens
Aloe Arborescens also known as "Octopus Plant" is a species that has been used historically for medicinal purposes, but it is also a very decorative rosette-shaped plant with fleshy, green, saw-shaped leaves. on the edges. This plant during its inflorescence gives the flowers a vibrant orange color.
We have a 12 and 25 liter pot
Ficus Bonsai 3
Disponemos de diferenctes alturas consultar:
Altura total 1,30 - 1,40 m .... 198 € Total con maceta
Altura total 1,80 m .... 451 € Total con maceta ( consultar )
Aloe Marlothii
Mountain Aloe comes from South Africa and can reach 4 meters in height. It is rosette-shaped with fleshy leaves, pricked with thorns all over the surface and brown edges. Inflorescence in the form of clusters of reddish orange flowers. Besides being decorative, it is also perfect for moisturizing the skin.
We have different sizes, check availability:
Small M30 ..... € 66 TTC
Medium M 35 .... € 99 incl.
Large M 40 ........ € 154 TTC
Aloe Africana
This Aloe is native to South Africa and the Canary Islands, being able to reach 2 meters in height, in the form of a rosette with teeth on its edges, having its flowering in hot seasons giving an inflorescence with flowers and bearing fruit.
Check availability
African Aloe 1 arm € 220, approximately 1.5 m
African Aloe 2 arm € 363, approximately 1.5 m
Trichocereus Marginatus
The "Chilayo" is a columnar perennial plant, its ribs are found around the entire main stem, bearing the areoles that also have the thorns. It is a perfect cactus to decorate our garden due to the height it can reach, being able to use it as a barrier.
Pot 30 - Height 80 cm.
Fenix dactylifera en Cepellón
Offer of Palm Trees in Cepellón from 2 to 5 meters in trunk, different sizes are available, consult transportation method. Prices from 6 units.
- 2 to 3 m of trunk .... €880
- 3 to 4 m of trunk .... €880
- 5 m of trunk .... consult
Trichocereus Marginatus
The "Chilayo" is a columnar perennial plant, its ribs are found around the entire main stem, bearing the areoles that also have the thorns. It is a perfect cactus to decorate our garden due to the height it can reach, being able to use it as a barrier.
Height 1.9 - 2 m in total with pot
Aloe Dichotoma
Aloe native to South Africa and Namibia, its leaves are greenish-blue and the flowers are yellow. Breeds in rocky areas. It is slow growing and can reach 9 meters in height. Its crown is arranged in the form of a rosette with a branched trunk.
Total height 1.5 m.
opuntia titania
The Nopal without thorns, is an endemic species of America. Characteristic, as the name suggests, because it does not have spines in the form of green pads. It is a very easy to maintain plant, with a medium growth rate, quite resistant.
Opuntia titania Grande
The Nopal without thorns, is an endemic species of America. Characteristic, as the name suggests, because it does not have spines in the form of green pads. It is a very easy to maintain plant, with a medium growth rate, quite resistant.
Opuntia 1
Opuntia Leucotricha also known as "Nopal Duraznillo" is an endemic cactus from Mexico. Which has a very particular shape due to its oval-shaped ramifications, its flowering is accompanied by warm seasons giving fruit in turn.
Opuntia 1
This cactus is native to America and can reach 4 meters in height, presenting spiny oval segments. It blooms regularly once a year, giving rise to yellow to red colored flowers.
45-50 liter can
Pachy Podium
Pachypodium is endemic to Africa, it is a succulent shrub that can measure 2 meters, having a thin and spiny trunk with lanceolate leaves, blooming in the warm seasons giving flowers of various colors.
30 liter can
Pachy Podium
Pachypodium is endemic to Africa, it is a succulent shrub that can measure 2 meters, having a thin and spiny trunk with lanceolate leaves, blooming in the warm seasons giving flowers of various colors.
30 liter can
Pecten aboriginum
This cactus is columnar in shape with ramifications, giving it a chandelier appearance. It can reach 2 meters high, it has columns, areoles with thorns and its flowering produces white flowers and later fruits.
Pot of 25 - 30 Liters
Height 50-60 cm total ... € 60.5 VAT included.
Total height 1m ... € 82.5 VAT included.
euphorbia tirucalli
Es una planta perenne endémico del África Tropical e India, puede alcanzar los 5 metros de altura pero cuando se encuentran en su hábitat natural pueden llegar a alcanzar los 15 metros de altura. Sus ramas son verdes y curvas. Su floración llega con inflorescencias amarillas.
25 liter pot
Euphorbia Eritrea
Euphorbiaceae is native to much of the African continent, although there are also species native to South Asia. They are characterized by being plants with succulent stems, where a latex or white sap drips and is very irritating.
25 liter can
kalanchoe beharensis
The Kalachoe Beharensis is a succulent, from Madagascar. Consisting of a long stem, velvety triangular leaves, reaching its flowering time in spring giving an inflorescence with jug-shaped flowers. Perfect companion both at home and in our garden.
45 liter pot
kalanchoe beharensis
The Kalachoe Beharensis is a succulent, from Madagascar. Consisting of a long stem, velvety triangular leaves, reaching its flowering time in spring giving an inflorescence with jug-shaped flowers. Perfect companion both at home and in our garden.
25 liter pot
Ejemplar Cereus monstruoso
his cactus native to South America, is a columnar cactus that can reach 5 meters in height. It consists of thorns and its flowering comes in the warm seasons, during the summer nights. It is a plant that requires many hours of full sun.
60 liter pot
Unique copy, ask for availability
Espinas de Cristo
Euphorbia milii also known as "Thorns of Christ" is a plant native to Madagascar. It has a short stem with thorns from which green leaves grow. It blooms between winter and summer, giving a cluster of small flowers.
15 liter pots
Dracaena Drago
The Canary Dragon comes from Africa, Asia and Central America. It is arboreal, slow-growing, The plant species is native to the Canary Islands, although it is also found in western Morocco and Cape Verde. Slow growing plant. It can reach 12 m in height. It is the only tree with red sap. For the ancient Canarian aborigines, this tree had magical properties. Its sap, which turns red on contact with air ("dragon's blood"), was marketed for its medicinal properties and for use in paints and varnishes.
Trunk height 30 - 40 m - Total height with pot 1 m
Dracaena Drago
The Canary Dragon comes from Africa, Asia and Central America. It is arboreal, slow-growing, The plant species is native to the Canary Islands, although it is also found in western Morocco and Cape Verde. Slow growing plant. It can reach 12 m in height. It is the only tree with red sap. For the ancient Canarian aborigines, this tree had magical properties. Its sap, which turns red on contact with air ("dragon's blood"), was marketed for its medicinal properties and for use in paints and varnishes.
Trunk height 30 - 40 m - Total height with pot 1 m
Dracaena Drago
The Canary Dragon comes from Africa, Asia and Central America. It is arboreal, slow-growing, The plant species is native to the Canary Islands, although it is also found in western Morocco and Cape Verde. Slow growing plant. It can reach 12 m in height. It is the only tree with red sap. For the ancient Canarian aborigines, this tree had magical properties. Its sap, which turns red on contact with air ("dragon's blood"), was marketed for its medicinal properties and for use in paints and varnishes.
Boot height 0.90 - 1 m - Total height with pot 1.9 - 2 m
dasylirion longissimum
It is an endemic cactus from Mexico, which is characterized by being a shrubby species with a single trunk of evergreen leaves, these are long that sprout in all directions creating a very special spherical appearance of this species. In addition to having such a characteristic shape, it is a very resistant and drought-tolerant plant.
Boot height 0.40 cm
dasylirion wheeleri
This Central American plant is characterized by being a bushy and slow-growing plant compared to others of the same family. In addition, this species is distinguished by its long leaves that emerge from the center of them with the tips outward in many directions.
Boot height 0.40 cm
Pot of 40
dasylirion serratifolium
Succulent native to Central America, also known as "teaspoon of Maguey". It has a rounded crown with a thick stem, with fine green leaves. Its flowering appears in the summer giving an inflorescence with flowers.
1,5 pot
Nolina nelsonii
This succulent perennial plant, also known as "Dolina Beldingii", can reach 4 meters in height. It has a rosette shape and the color is greenish. Its leaves are long and pointed. Its flowering is accompanied by a fruitful summer.
Trichocereus pachanoi
Cactus known as "San Pedro" endemic to South America. It is arboreal with columns and ramifications. This species also has spines. When the flowering season arrives, beautiful white flowers emerge from the tops of the stems.
copy of Trichocereus pachanoi
The "Rat Tail Cactus" is endemic to South America. It is a cactus with a very particular shape, it forms small stems of great thickness that do not grow vertically. It is a fast growing species covered with small spines that make it stand out.
Adenium Obesum
Adenium is a plant also known as Desert Rose. It is a shrubby succulent that can reach 3 meters in height and is characterized by its spiral-shaped leaves.
20 liter bottle.