Species native to northern and central Mexico. It forms a compact and symmetrical Rosette of short and broad bluish-gray leaves. It blooms in early summer with a kind of long spike from which clusters of purple and garnet flowers emerge.
30 - 40 liter tub.
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The cost of transportation depends on the province or country.
This plant is also known as "Maguey de parras" and it comes from northern and central Mexico. It is a small rosette-shaped species that usually grows in the wild alone.
It can have between 40 to 60 leaves, each about 25 cm long. These blades are rigid and compact. They have the greyish green color so characteristic of these specimens. They also have spines, and can measure up to 4 mm in length.
The inflorescence of this species occurs in a panicle, being able to measure about 4 meters in height, from where the colored flowers between garnets and purple are born, and when they open, in their center, we can distinguish the yellow color. It also produces fruits and seeds.
It is a very decorative agave, perfect for the garden, requires very little care and is a plant that, well cared for, can accompany you throughout your life, since it is very long-lived.
We can also have it at home, with only a pot packaged to suit you with holes in the bottom so that the plant can drain properly.
They are showy, very pretty plants that hardly require much maintenance.
- They prefer places with direct or well-lit light, preferably next to a window, on a balcony, a terrace or in your garden.
- They can withstand low temperatures, around 5 ° C.
- It is essential that they have good drainage, both in the ground and in pots.
- The ideal substrate for cacti must be combined with sand and gravel, so that they have good drainage, humidity and excess water are not good.
- Irrigation should not be excessive. From spring to autumn, which would be its growth period, water every 15 days, water abundantly and wait for the soil to be very dry again. In winter, do not water or give one watering per month.
- Fertilizer. During the growing season (spring - fall), you can fertilize them with worm humus. Eggshells are a good homemade fertilizer, they contain (Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium and Phosphorus) these nutrients are very important and favor their growth, it is necessary to crush them and mix them with the substrate, administer them twice annually.
- Treatment against fungi due to excess humidity, disinfect the area with a copper-based fungicide.
- If you want to transplant them from the pot or from the ground, the best time would be from spring.
And do not forget that to work with cacti you need to wear good gloves.
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