- On sale!

Offer of Palm Trees in Cepellón from 2 to 5 meters in trunk, different sizes are available, consult transportation method. Prices from 6 units.
- 2 to 3 m of trunk .... €880
- 3 to 4 m of trunk .... €880
- 5 m of trunk .... consult
The cost of transportation depends on the province or country.
Phoenix Dactylifera
Common name: Date palm. Dioecious palm with a single trunk, which can also branch at its base by shoots, in some cases forming spectacular groups and can also be branched several meters from the ground (exceptional cases). The height of a palm varies, but can reach 25 to 30 meters high and 30 to 40 cm wide. Its roots are fine and do not usually cause damage. The color of the palm is a pale green and chrysaceous. It lives well in warm coastal areas, in sunny places, where it resists occasional frosts of up to 5º below zero.
You can have palm trees both indoors and outdoors. There are varieties that adapt better to the outdoors or garden and there are others that are better adapted to living indoors and in pots…
- Plants generally prefer places with direct light or good lighting, it will always be preferable next to a window, on a balcony or on a terrace.
- Good drainage is essential, both in the soil and in the pot. It is advisable to put a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot…
- The ideal substrate for palm trees has to be rich in organic matter, a good worm humus…
- Watering should be done every 3 or 4 days, first make sure the substrate is dry, excess water is not good…
- There are palm trees that prefer direct sunlight and others that prefer more shaded areas. It is also very important to take into account the climate of the place where you live. There are palm trees that are well adapted to low temperatures and other palm trees that prefer warmer climates...
- Good drainage is essential, both in the soil and in the pot. Waterlogging is not good for plants in general.
- The ideal substrate for palm trees has to be rich in organic matter, a good worm humus, compost or manure would be sufficient.
- Watering when the palm tree is in the ground and is more intense than in a pot, it can be once a week.
- Preventive treatment against diseases with repeated fumigation 3 or 4 times a year allows some palm species to be kept safe from possible pests…
Specific References