- We have a large number and variety of exemplary plants. Check availability, prices of the same and form of transport ...

- Within this section we have placed all those plants that, due to their height greater than 2.5 meters, cannot be sent by transport agency and need another type of transport.


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Trichocereus Marginatus

Trichocereus Marginatus

Price €396.00

The "Chilayo" is a columnar perennial plant, its ribs are found around the entire main stem, bearing the areoles that also have the thorns. It is a perfect cactus to decorate our garden due to the height it can reach, being able to use it as a barrier.

Height 1.9 - 2 m in total with pot

Yucca Rostrata

Yucca Rostrata

Price €440.00

It is native to Texas and Northern Mexico. It reaches 5m in height. It has thin leaves that arise from a symmetrical rosette. The inflorescence is a more or less ovoid panicle, up to 1 m in length, bearing numerous hanging, pure white flowers that appear in autumn. It requires a sunny exposure and well-drained soils. It tolerates drought very well.

Trunk height 1.5-1.6 m + leaves

Consult size and form of transport, we have different sizes.

Yucca elephantipes

Yucca elephantipes

Price €1,980.00

Ejemplares únicos, disponemos de diferentes tamaños y precios, Consultar disponibilidad, y forma de transporte …

Yucca elephantipes

Yucca elephantipes

Price €1,320.00

Ejemplares únicos, disponemos de diferentes tamaños y precios, Consultar disponibilidad, y forma de transporte …

Chamaerops Humilis

Chamaerops Humilis

This palm tree also known as "Palmito" is native to the Mediterranean areas. It is a perfect species to have in coastal areas, a very beautiful and extravagant palm tree due to its multiple trunks, contrasting its green with the rustic aesthetics of the trunk.

100 liter can

Total height with pot of approximately 3 m.


Fenix dactylifera en Cepellón
  • On sale!

Fenix dactylifera en Cepellón

Price €880.00

Offer of Palm Trees in Cepellón from 2 to 5 meters in trunk, different sizes are available, consult transportation method. Prices from 6 units.

- 2 to 3 m of trunk .... €880

- 3 to 4 m of trunk .... €880

- 5 m of trunk .... consult


Olivo Grande

Olivo Grande

Price €385.00

Ejemplares únicos, disponemos de diferentes tamaños y precios, Consultar disponibilidad, y forma de transporte …

Olivos Ejemplares

Olivos Ejemplares

Price €1,650.00

Ejemplares únicos, disponemos de diferentes tamaños y precios, Consultar disponibilidad, y forma de transporte …

Olivos de Platos

Olivos de Platos

Price €440.00

Ejemplares únicos, disponemos de diferentes tamaños y precios, Consultar disponibilidad, y forma de transporte …