Links of interest
Dactylifera Medjool
This is a perfect choice both to decorate the exterior or interior of your home, as well as to obtain a magnificent sweet fruit. It is one of the most typical palm trees in Spain, it can measure between 10 and 15 meters, more if it is in its natural habitat.
45 liter pot
Grupo de Phoenix Dactylifera
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mammillaria geminispina
This succulent also known as "Biznaga Metzolle", comes from North America and central Africa. This magnificent species forms large spherical colonies, apart from the spines, which are covered with white fluff that we will find throughout the plant. This very particular species will bring us something new and different to our environment, creating a varied and diverse environment due to the colonies it creates.
Pot of 25 - 30 Liters
Grupo de Phoenix Dactylifera
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Ejemplar de Mammillaria
This succulent also known as "Biznaga Metzolle", comes from North America and central Africa. This magnificent species forms large spherical colonies, apart from the spines, which are covered with white fluff that we will find throughout the plant. This very particular species will bring us something new and different to our environment, creating a varied and diverse environment due to the colonies it creates.
Grupo Phoenix Dactylifera
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Phoenix Canariensis
This palm tree, commonly called "Palmera Canaria", is a very attractive palm tree distinguished by the width of its trunk, which gives it personality and contrast with the intense green of the palm trees. It is a palm tree that likes the coastal area and is large and can reach 20 meters.
45 liter jar
Myrtillocactus Geometrizans
This plant, also known as Garambullo, comes from Mexico. It is a perennial cactus that is shaped like a candelabrum and has short and long spines with beautiful white flowers that open on summer nights. It is a slender cactus, perfect to place in the pot or in the garden. It has a bluish-gray color and its fruits are deep red, edible and sweet.
25 liter pot .... 60 cm
30-35 liter pot .... 1 m
Grupo de Phoenix Dactylifera
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Washingtonia Robusta
Palm tree widely spread throughout the Mediterranean with fan-shaped leaves, which can reach one meter in height. Its trunk is very thin, which is decorated by the base of the previously pruned leaves, giving the trunk much more volume. This species is not suitable to have it in pots or inside the home.
Sizes we offer:
25 liter pot, height 1 - 1.2 m approximately.
myrtillocactus geometrizans...
It is an endemic species of South America, perennial with a very particular structure, since it has an irregular structure and is green in color, its spines are red in color emerging from the areoles. Very different and beautiful plant that can provide variety with its very particular shape. Its flowering comes in summer giving beautiful white flowers.
Consult before the purchase there are only three
Washingtonia 3 Troncos
Palm tree widely spread throughout the Mediterranean with fan-shaped leaves, which can reach one meter in height. Its trunk is very thin, which is decorated by the base of the previously pruned leaves, giving the trunk much more volume. This species is not suitable to have it in pots or inside the home.
Sizes we offer:
25 liter pot, height 1 - 1.2 m approximately.
copy of Grupo de Phoenix...
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Cereus monstruoso
This cactus, native to South America, is a columnar cactus that can reach 5 meters in height. Its shape is very characteristic, since it is very irregular and consists of thorns, its flowering appears in the warm seasons, during summer nights. It is a plant that requires many hours of full sun.
60 liter pot
Unique copy, ask for availability
Philodendron pequeño
Yucca Ferox is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Phoenix canariensis
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Cereus Spiralis
The Spiral Candle is an endemic plant of South America that can reach up to 3 meters in height. Spiral-shaped and branched, it bears brown spines on the areoles. It blooms sporadically in warm seasons giving flowers that open at night, in turn bearing fruit.
Total height 50 cm, 20 liter tub
Yucca Ferox is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Washingtonia Robusta
Palm tree widely spread throughout the Mediterranean with fan-shaped leaves, which can reach one meter in height. Its trunk is very thin, which is decorated by the base of the previously pruned leaves, giving the trunk much more volume. This species is not suitable to have it in pots or inside the home.
Sizes we offer:
45 liter pot, height about 1.9 m.
Polaskia Chichipe
The Polaskia Chichipe, is a plant that can reach a large wingspan (between 4-5 meters). It is a species native to Mexico. It is a cactus with a branched column, with ribs and thorns.
25 liter pot.
Washingtonia Filifera
This palm tree, so characteristic of the Spanish coast, is perfect to plant outdoors due to its rapid growth, with its lush, long leaves and an intense green characterizing this palm tree with a robust and wide trunk. You need many hours of sun.
45 liter pot, approximate height 1.9 m.
Boot height 70 cm
(We have larger sizes, check availability and form of transport)
Fenix dactylifera en Maceta
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Polaskia Chichipe
The Polaskia Chichipe, is a plant that can reach a large wingspan (between 4-5 meters). It is a species native to Mexico. It is a cactus with a branched column, with ribs and thorns.
Total height with pot 1.5-1.6 m
Chamaerops Humilis
This palm tree also known as "Palmito" is native to the Mediterranean areas. It is a perfect species to have in coastal areas, a very beautiful and extravagant palm tree due to its multiple trunks, contrasting its green with the rustic aesthetics of the trunk.
25 liter can
Total height with pot 60 - 70 cm approximately.
Neobuxbaumia polylopha
A genus of perennial, columnar or arboreal cactus with a cylindrical stem, native to Mexico. The nocturnal flowers, produced in summer, give way to angular fruits that open like stars when they mature. Sensitive to minimum frosts of 15 ° C. It requires sun and poor to moderately fertile soils, well drained and sandy. They multiply by seeds in spring.
Height 1.6 in total with pot. Check availability before
Nolina Recurvata
Originally from the desert areas of Mexico, it can be grown both indoors and outdoors, it can reach up to 9 meters. of very slow growth, there are specimens with more than 300 years of age. The substrate must be light and well drained. it does not support excess water. Minimum temperature 10º C.
We have different measures check price
40 liter pot. Height 1 m
Olivo Mediano
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Chamaerops Humilis
This palm tree also known as "Palmito" is native to the Mediterranean areas. It is a perfect species to have in coastal areas, a very beautiful and extravagant palm tree due to its multiple trunks, contrasting its green with the rustic aesthetics of the trunk.
60 liter pot
Total height with pot 1.80 - 1.9 m approximately.
Nolina Recurvata
Originally from the desert areas of Mexico, it can be grown both indoors and outdoors, it can reach up to 9 meters. of very slow growth, there are specimens with more than 300 years of age. The substrate must be light and well drained. it does not support excess water. Minimum temperature 10º C.
90 cm tub. The ball measures between 60 and 80 cm, the height 1.60 m.
Caña de las Indias
Yucca Ferox is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Chamaerops Humilis
This palm tree also known as "Palmito" is native to the Mediterranean areas. It is a perfect species to have in coastal areas, a very beautiful and extravagant palm tree due to its multiple trunks, contrasting its green with the rustic aesthetics of the trunk.
80 liter can
Total height with pot 2 - 2.2 m approximately.
Olivos de Platos
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Beaucarnea Recurvata
Originaire des zones désertiques du Mexique, il peut être cultivé aussi bien en intérieur qu'en extérieur, il peut atteindre jusqu'à 9 mètres. Croissance très lente, il existe des spécimens de plus de 300 ans. Le substrat doit être léger et bien drainé. il ne supporte pas l'excès d'eau. Température minimale 10 ° C
Nous avons différentes mesures vérifier le prix
Bac de 35 litres, 60-70 cm
Thevetia Peruviana
Yucca Ferox is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Chamaerops Humilis
This palm tree also known as "Palmito" is native to the Mediterranean areas. It is a perfect species to have in coastal areas, a very beautiful and extravagant palm tree due to its multiple trunks, contrasting its green with the rustic aesthetics of the trunk.
100 liter can
Total height with pot of approximately 3 m.
Olivo Grande
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Beaucarnea Recurvata
Originally from the desert areas of Mexico, it can be grown both indoors and outdoors, it can reach up to 9 meters. very slow growing, there are specimens over 300 years old. The substrate must be light and well drained. it does not support excess water. Minimum temperature 10ºC.
We have different measures check price
Height 1.5 - 1.7 m
Chamaerops Vulcano
This palm tree also known as "Palmito" is native to the Mediterranean areas. It is a perfect species to have in coastal areas, a very beautiful and extravagant palm tree due to its multiple trunks, contrasting its green with the rustic aesthetics of the trunk.
45 liter pot
Total height with pot approximately 1.5 m.
Olivos de Platos
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Chamaerops Vulcano
This palm tree also known as "Palmito" is native to the Mediterranean areas. It is a perfect species to have in coastal areas, a very beautiful and extravagant palm tree due to its multiple trunks, contrasting its green with the rustic aesthetics of the trunk.
Total height with pot approximately 1.9 m.
Olivos Ejemplares
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Pachycereus Pringlei
This cactus from Mexico and the Southwest of the United States is a genus of perennial, columnar, slow-growing cactus. Blue-green in color, provided with 10-15 ribs. The funnel-shaped flowers are very rare to be produced in cultivation since they only appear in specimens of more than 3 m in height. The fruit of this cactus is edible.
50 liter pot. Height 1.6 m - 1.80 m. total with pot. (Variable price, check in store)
Pachycereus Pringlei
This cactus from Mexico and the Southwest of the United States is a genus of perennial, columnar, slow-growing cactus. Blue-green in color, provided with 10-15 ribs. The funnel-shaped flowers are very rare to be produced in cultivation since they only appear in specimens of more than 3 m in height. The fruit of this cactus is edible.
Pot of 50 - 60 Liters. Height 1.80 - 2 m. total with pot. (Pachycereus Pringley with children)
Yucca Ferox is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Trachycarpus fortunei
The Chamaerops Excelsa is a very beautiful and rustic palm that is characterized by having a very hairy trunk, with webbed leaves, in which its edges are serrated. It can reach a large size, around 12 meters (even 15 but this usually occurs in its natural habitat). It handles both high and low temperatures very well. We can find it throughout the Mediterranean coastal area, but it is originally from China.
35 liter pot
Trunk height 30 - 40 cm - Total height with pot 1.25 - 1.50 m approximately.
Ficus Lyrata
Yucca Ferox is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Trachycarpus Fortunei
The Chamaerops Excelsa is a very beautiful and rustic palm that is characterized by having a very hairy trunk, with webbed leaves, in which its edges are serrated. It can reach a large size, around 12 meters (even 15 but this usually occurs in its natural habitat). It handles both high and low temperatures very well. We can find it throughout the Mediterranean coastal area, but it is originally from China.
50 liter can
Box height 0.8 - 0.9 cm - Total height with pot 1.8 - 1.9 m approx.
Pachycereus Pringlei
This cactus from Mexico and the Southwest of the United States is a genus of perennial, columnar, slow-growing cactus. Blue-green in color, provided with 10-15 ribs. The funnel-shaped flowers are very rare to be produced in cultivation since they only appear in specimens of more than 3 m in height. The fruit of this cactus is edible.
Pot of 50 - 60 Liters. Height 1.80 - 2 m. total with pot. (Pachycereus Pringley with children)
Brahea Armata
This magnificent species is native to Mexico, Sonora, and California. It is a very beautiful palm tree, with a wider trunk at the base than at the top, with fan palm trees, curved at the ends. Its inflorescence is born between the leaves and is so high that it stands out above them giving beautiful yellowish flowers.
Total height with pot 1.8 m approximately.
Oreocereus trollii
Cactus native to Bolivia and Argentina. It supports very low temperatures, requires little humidity and sunny places. It is a very slow growing columnar cactus. It has long ribs and spines that vary in color up to 5 cm long.
25 liter pot, height 60 cm
Brahea Armata
This magnificent species is native to Mexico, Sonora, and California. It is a very beautiful palm tree, with a wider trunk at the base than at the top, with fan palm trees, curved at the ends. Its inflorescence is born between the leaves and is so high that it stands out above them giving beautiful yellowish flowers.
Total height with pot 2 m approximately.
Oreocereus trollii
Cactus native to Bolivia and Argentina. It supports very low temperatures, requires little humidity and sunny places. It is a very slow growing columnar cactus. It has long ribs and spines that vary in color up to 5 cm long.
We have different sizes, sizes and availability of consultations
Oreocereus trollii from photo 1.6 m
Livistona Decipiens
This palm tree stands out for the height it can reach, making it a very spectacular and stylized palm tree. Also known as "Latania de Australia", it comes from this area and Africa. It is a very resistant and beautiful palm that we can have planted both in a pot and in our garden.
Total height with pot approximately 1.7 m.
Carnegiea gigantea
Columnar cactus, Native to the Sonoran desert. It reaches 14 to 16 meters in height. It has a red fruit that is edible that ripens in summer, blooms in spring, and flowers open at night. Very slow growing.
We only have on land, € 2 Cm. different measures
Height of 120 cm ... € 240 + VAT ... € 264
Height of 100 cm ... € 200 + VAT ... € 220
Height of 70 cm .... € 140 + VAT ... € 154
Livistonia Chinensis
This endemic palm from Asia is characterized by having a trunk with a wider base, where its leaves have hanging segments that highlight the fan shape of the palm. Giving white flowers together with the inflorescence. They can withstand low temperatures very well, perfect for coastal areas.
Total height with pot 1.8 m approximately.
Livistonia Chinensis
This endemic palm from Asia is characterized by having a trunk with a wider base, where its leaves have hanging segments that highlight the fan shape of the palm. Giving white flowers together with the inflorescence. They can withstand low temperatures very well, perfect for coastal areas.
100 liter pot.
Height over 2.5 meters, consult transport method, before ordering.
Trichocereus Pasacana
Trichocereus Pasacana, also called "Achuma" or "Puqui", is a perennial cactus endemic to South America, a columnar cactus with abundant thorns whose color varies according to the maturity of the plant. During flowering it gives flowers covered in black, these flowers are white.
Cactus + pot 1 m to 1.1 m high
50 liter pot.
We have different measures to consult ...
Yucca Elephantipes
Yucca Ferox is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Saval Palmeto
This palm, also known as "fan palm", is endemic to the United States. The Sabal Palmeto is a very tall and stylized hermaphrodite palm, with green or bluish costapalmate leaves. From its inflorescence, beautiful small flowers of light colors are born.
100 liter pot.
Total height with pot 1.8 - 2 m approximately.
Yucca elephantipe
Yucca Elephantipe is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Saval Palmeto
This palm, also known as "fan palm", is endemic to the United States. The Sabal Palmeto is a very tall and stylized hermaphrodite palm, with green or bluish costapalmate leaves. From its inflorescence, beautiful small flowers of light colors are born.
350 liter can.
Total height with pot of approximately 2.5 - 3 meters.
Check the means of transport before ordering.
Yucca elephantipe
Yucca elephantipe is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Yucca elephantipe
Yucca Elephantipe is a succulent plant endemic to Central America, with a shrubby habit that can reach 15 meters in height in its natural habitat. It has bright green lanceolate leaves and its trunk can branch (not usual).
Raphis Excelsa
It is a palm endemic to Asia, also known as "Chinese Palm". It is a species with multiple trunks, its leaves being webbed with serrated tips, of a dark green color. Perfect for warm areas, in a pot or in the garden, a very good option for this Mediterranean climate.
Total height with pot 1.8 meters approximately.
Yucca filifera
Originally from Mexico, it can reach more than 10 m in height. It belongs to the Agavaceae family. The leaves are stiff and green. The flowers are borne on an erect penicle and are white. They also bear edible fruits.
We have different sizes, consult the contact number.
- Total height 1 m ..... € 132
- Total height 1.5 m ..... € 236.5
- Total height 1.8 m ..... 330 €
Archontophoenix Alexandrae
It is a species that has become very fashionable today, with a tropical appearance that withstands both the sun and cold temperatures very well, it can even withstand some frost. Very beautiful palm endemic to Australia, with a ringed trunk and pinnate leaves (where the leaflets are arranged along its central axis), bright green. Its inflorescence comes with both female and male yellow flowers, in turn giving reddish fruits. This palm tree is perfect both to have it outside, in a small garden or even indoors. It is a very versatile palm tree.
Total height with pot from 1.8 to 2 meters approximately.
- We have different sizes of queries.
- We have groups of three.
Yucca Gloriosa
Native to North America. It belongs to the Agavaceae family, it is an evergreen shrub, it can reach 2.5 meters in height. It has a short, branched stem that highlights its elongated gray-green leaves.
We have different sizes, consult our contact number.
Archontophoenix Cunninghamiana
To this splendid palm tree of Australian origin, we can also name it in a vulgar way “Palma Rey”. Being a very good option for those who want a fast-growing palm to get a garden with height. We can also have it indoors, as long as it is in a very bright area with a pot that drains properly.
Total height with pot 1.8 meters approximately.
- We have different sizes consult.
Butia Capitata
The Palmera Capitata, is a beautiful solitary palm from different regions of South America, it does not reach great heights but it is perfect to have it inside and outside the home. It supports low temperatures very well, adapting very well to different climates.
Total height with pot 1.8 meters approximately.
- We have different sizes consult.
Yucca Rostrata
It is native to Texas and Northern Mexico. It reaches 5m in height. It has thin leaves that arise from a symmetrical rosette. The inflorescence is a more or less ovoid panicle, up to 1 m in length, bearing numerous hanging, pure white flowers that appear in autumn. It requires a sunny exposure and well-drained soils. It tolerates drought very well.
45 liter pot.
Ravenea Rivularis
This endemic palm tree from Madagascar is a very beautiful palm with its leaves of a very bright green color that is characterized by having a single trunk. It is perfect to plant both in our garden, since it withstands very low temperatures, although if we also want it indoors, we only have to worry about buying a good pot and keeping it in a bright area.
Total height with pot of approximately 1.8 meters.
Yucca Rostrata
It is native to Texas and Northern Mexico. It reaches 5m in height. It has thin leaves that arise from a symmetrical rosette. The inflorescence is a more or less ovoid panicle, up to 1 m in length, bearing numerous hanging, pure white flowers that appear in autumn. It requires a sunny exposure and well-drained soils. It tolerates drought very well.
Trunk height 1.5-1.6 m + leaves
Consult size and form of transport, we have different sizes.