Shrub Olive Tree total height with pot 1.5 m.
30 L pot
The cost of transportation depends on the province or country.
Olea Europaea
Common name: Olive. Evergreen tree 4-8 m tall with a short, tortuous trunk and greyish, very fissured bark. Abundant branching. Leathery, elliptic, oblong or lanceolate leaves, 3-9 cm long, shortly petiolate, deep green on the upper surface and whitish on the underside. Twigs and buds also whitish. Flowers in axillary racemes shorter than the leaves, with many small, whitish, fragrant flowers, with 2 stamens. Flowers in April-May. Fruit in a fleshy ovoid drupe, 1-3.5 cm long, green or black, with a single seed.
Specific References