This palm is endemic and native to Japan, although it is also known as "False Palm", its name is synonymous with beauty and rarity, since it is a very attractive and durable plant that can live up to 100 years. They are very decorative to have in pots in bright interiors. They are very easy to maintain, they only need to be in bright places and do not require constant watering.
Trunk measure 60 cm (Total height with pot 1.5 m)
The cost of transportation depends on the province or country.
Cyca Revoluta is endemic to southern Japan, although it is also known as the "false palm". It is an evergreen gymnosperm palm, which means it has a woody trunk with needle-shaped evergreen leaves and unisexual flowers. Its stem generally does not branch, its trunk being marked with scars from the bases of old leaves when pruned. When they emerge, they are circinate, which means that their leaves develop from their base and are covered with soft tomentum (hairs that cover the surface of the plant). Its leaves are formed by linear-lanceolate leaflets with a prominent central nerve. Being able to give a male inflorescence in the form of a woody strobilus (pineapple shape), covered with yellow pubescence, or a female inflorescence in a mass of modified leaves, containing two or more ovules along its margins. It is not a palm tree that requires a lot of water. It can reach 7 meters in height and can be very long-lived, living up to 100 years without any problem.
Las Palmeras can be had both indoors and outdoors. There are varieties that are better adapted to the outdoors or garden, and there are others better adapted to live indoors and in pots.
- Plants in general prefer places with direct light or that have good lighting, it will always be preferable next to a window, on a balcony or on a terrace.
- It is essential that they have good drainage, both in soil and in pot. It is advisable to put a layer of engraving on the bottom of the pot.
- The ideal substrate for palm trees has to be rich in organic matter, a good worm humus.
- Irrigation has to be every 3 or 4 days, before making sure that the substrate is dry, excess water is not good.
- There are palm trees that prefer direct sun and others prefer more shady areas, it is also very important to take into account the climate of the place where you live, there are palm trees well adapted to low temperatures and other palm trees that prefer warmer climates.
- It is essential that they have good drainage, both in soil and in pot. Water puddles are not good for plants in general.
- The ideal substrate for palm trees has to be rich in organic matter, a good worm humus, Compost or Manure would be enough.
- Irrigation, as the palm tree is on the ground and being more intense than in a pot, it can be one watering a week.
- A preventive treatment against diseases with repeated spraying 3 or 4 times a year allows to keep some species of palm trees safe from possible pests.
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